MiYooMo Visits Task Force In Recognition of Census Efforts

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Miyoomo, a confederation of Korean students in the US (President Seunghwan Kim) visited the 2010 Korean American Census Task Force and presented a plaque of appreciation for its efforts in pushing Korean American students to participate in the 2010 US Census.


President Seunghwan Kim stated that out of all the websites dealing with the 2010 Census, the Task Force’s website was the most helpful. He was impressed by the Task Force’s records of activity and methods from 10 years ago, its ability to work out-of-the-box in 2010, and he said that he can’t help but to work harder to encourage students to participate in the Census.


President Seunghwan Kim of Miyoomo visited the Task Force for these reasons.


“The Tears of Jong Tae-Se” calls for Peace on the Internet

2010년 09월 24일 (금) 20:14:05 이민우 기자 knews69@gmail.com

▲ A scene from “Internet: The Best Tool For Peace” created and uploaded on YouTube by Miyoomo. ⓒDaily Kyoung-In 


A video created by Korean international students based on North Korean soccer player Jong Tae-Se during the 2010 World Cup has won the grand prize of a internationally recognized magazine.



According to Yonhap News’s report on the 24th, the video, “Internet: The Best Tool For Peace”, created by the Miyoomo along with 70 Korean international students from all around the world, was selected as the winner of “Wired” magazine’s “Internet For Peace” contest on the 21st.


In The 4 minutes 34 seconds long video, the focal point was the scene of Jong Tae-Se in tears during North Korea’s match against Brazil during the 2010 World Cup. The students talk about why “A one North Korean player cried” and show how they researched on him. They found that Jong was born in Japan, has a South Korean citizenship, yet came onto world’s stage as a North Korean player and came to understand the meaning of Jong’s tears.


The students create a song and hand out t-shirts that wish for the stability and peace in Asia. In addition, they uploaded the video of their activities on the internet, and youths from all over the world agree with their sentiments. The video concludes with the following comment, “Peace is the most powerful idea in the world, and the internet is the most powerful tool for peace.”



The contest, created in light of the Internet’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Price, was held from January to late August and 600 entries were submitted. Over 14 million viewers watched the entries and various judges including the Italian director Gabriel Salvatore, and the video that most successfully stated that the internet is a tool for peace was selected as the winner.


Miyoomo’s video, “Internet: The Best Tool For Peace” ((http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_PUKL1ZgM0) was placed on the front page of YouTube, and was viewed over 265,000 times as of the 24th, 8PM EST and is gathering the attention of internet users worldwide.


If the internet is selected to be winner of the Nobel Peace Price, Miyoomo President Seunghwan Kim will attend the Nobel Prize Ceremony held in Norway with the head editor of “Wired.”

Miyoomo, a confederation of Korean students in the US (President Seunghwan Kim) visited the 2010 Korean American Census Task Force and presented a plaque of appreciation for its efforts in pushing Korean American students to participate in the 2010 US Census.   President Seunghwan Kim stated that out of all the websites dealing with the…

Miyoomo, a confederation of Korean students in the US (President Seunghwan Kim) visited the 2010 Korean American Census Task Force and presented a plaque of appreciation for its efforts in pushing Korean American students to participate in the 2010 US Census.   President Seunghwan Kim stated that out of all the websites dealing with the…

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