Korean Population in the United States
by admin
- 3219
Data from the 2010 United States Census was retrieved and organized
to represent the Korean population in each state and its counties.
The data which shows the Korean population was retrieved from www.factfinder2.census.gov. From www.factfinder2.census.gov, a group of people went into the Profile of General
Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010 of each state and its counties
to find the Korean population. This data was researched
and compiled by Daniel Chun, Peter Park, and Andrew Kim. The staff that
coordinated the job was Dongchan Kim (KAVC president), and Chae No (KAVC Intern Coordinator).
This data
was retrieved to gain information about Korean communities all around the
country, and use that information to help the Korean community economically,
socially, and politically.
The data is consisted of 50 states of the United States, the District of
Columbia, Puerto Rico. The Korean population within each area varies from being large to small in population. But due to 1,423,784 Koreans being only
0.5% of the total US population, most areas of the United States
are low in Korean population.
The top 5 states with the
largest Korean populations are:
1. California has a population of 451,892 Koreans. In California, the Los Angeles County has the
largest Korean population with 216,501 Koreans.
2. New York has a population of 140,994 Koreans. In New York,
the Queens County has the largest Korean population with 64,107 Koreans.
3. New Jersey has a population 93,679 Koreans. In New Jersey, the Bergen County has the largest Korean population with 56,773 Koreans.
4. Virginia has a population of 70,577 Koreans. In Virginia, the Fairfax County has the largest Korean population with 41,356 Koreans.
5. Texas has a population of 67,750 Koreans. In Texas, the Harris County has the largest Korean population with 11,813 Koreans.
many Koreans do not cooperate with the Census, it is believed that there are
more than 1,423,784 Koreans in the United States. Filling out the census is very
important. Koreans can help the community by filling out the Census in the
future. For Koreans, filling out the census can become very beneficial. When the
government receives the census data, the government can bring various benefits
economically, socially, and politically to the Korean community. The more
Koreans in the municipalities, the government are mandated to give more benefits
to them.
only 0.5% of the total population is Korean, the United States does not give
many benefits to Koreans compared to African Americans or the Chinese, who are
12.6% and 1.1% respectively. To bring social, economic, and political help to
the Korean community, the cooperation of the Korean people is
California, New
York, New Jersey, Virigina, Texas, Washington, Illinois, Georgia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Flordia, Hawaii, Michigan, Massachusetts, Colorado, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Arizona, Minnesota, Nevada, Indiana, Tennessee, Connecticut, Missouri, Alabama, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Iowa, Utah, Kansas, Kentucky, South Carolina, Alaksa, Louisana, Nebraska, Delaware,
New Mexico, District of
Columbia, Arkansas, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Mississippi, Maine, West
Virginia, Vermont, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming
Data from the 2010 United States Census was retrieved and organized to represent the Korean population in each state and its counties. The data which shows the Korean population was retrieved from www.factfinder2.census.gov. From www.factfinder2.census.gov, a group of people went into the Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010 of each state and its…
Data from the 2010 United States Census was retrieved and organized to represent the Korean population in each state and its counties. The data which shows the Korean population was retrieved from www.factfinder2.census.gov. From www.factfinder2.census.gov, a group of people went into the Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010 of each state and its…