Category: News


Korean Population in the United States

Data from the 2010 United States Census was retrieved and organized to represent the Korean population in each state and its counties. The data which shows the Korean population was retrieved from From, a group of people went into the Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010 of each state and its…


MiYooMo Visits Task Force In Recognition of Census Efforts

Miyoomo, a confederation of Korean students in the US (President Seunghwan Kim) visited the 2010 Korean American Census Task Force and presented a plaque of appreciation for its efforts in pushing Korean American students to participate in the 2010 US Census.   President Seunghwan Kim stated that out of all the websites dealing with the…


Asian American Federation Conferred Award to the Korean American Census Resource Center

On September 17th at Lighthouse International, the Asian American Federation awarded the Korean American US Census Resource Center a commemoration plaque, honoring the Center’s work with the 2010 Korean American Census Task Force. The Federation held a review session with all of the Asian organizations regarding the Census campaigns in the morning, and awarded commendations to…


May 17th, Asian Americans “Open a Door” to the Census in Ridgefield, NJ

  On Monday, May 17 in Ridgefield, New Jersey, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), joined by several Asian American community leaders, hosted a press conference to bring awareness to the Census Bureau’s Non-Response Follow-up Phase, or door-to-door canvassing operations.  Across the nation, census-takers have started canvassing neighborhoods to follow up with…


April 29th, NY NJ KACTF and US Census Bureau Press Conference

On April 29th, 2010 NY NJ Korean American Census Task Force (co-chair: Incha Kim, Andrew Kim) and US Census Bureau together held a press conference on the headquarter office of Korean American Association of New Jersey regarding the Census takers visits to the residence starting on May  1st. They requested many Korean Americans who did…


2010 Census Campaign- Korean American Association of Queens

On April 21, Jakyoung Kim, US Census Bureau Specialist were invited by the Queens Korean American Association to launch a Census Awareness Campain to people who came for help in provincial consul work in Korea Village hosted by Cnsulate General of the Republic of Korea in New York. She assisted those who needed help in filling out…


2010 Census Campaign- April 18th, March to Mailbox Campaign in St. Paul Chong Ha-Sang Roman Catholic Chapel in Queens.

On April 18th, St. Paul Chong Ha-Sang Roman Catholic Chapel in Queens invited Incha Kim, co-chair of Korean American Census Task Force (KACTF), and Jakyoung Kim, Partnership specialist of US Census Bureau to launch March to the mail box campaign. At this event, Gap Sup Yoon, president of life counseling center of St. Paul Catholic…


2010 Census Campaign- QAC in Shinhan Bank

  2010 Census- QAC Center in Shinhan Bank/ Flushing branch with the staffs of Shinhan Bank.     In the picture: US Census Bureau part-time staffs working in two branches (flushing, manhattan) of Shinhan Bank and staffs of Shinhan Bank   


2010 Census Campaign- Questionnaire Assistance Center

  On April 12th to April 16th, New Jersey Task Force visited huge scale Condo in Fort Lee, and helped the households in the condo who still did not sent the census questionnaire. New Jersey task force, Michael Cho (US Census Bureau), volunteers from AWCA, and  3 to 4 others were preparing for the event, and currently (during the 2 days), they…


2010 Census Campaign- April 10th, 2010 Census Road tour and March to the mail box

Road tour and March to the mail box. – 156-40 Northern Blvd, Flushing, NY In this event, Grace Meng Assembly Member District 22, Perter Koo City Council District 20,In cha Kim Co-chair Korean Task Force, Dong chan Kim Korean American Voter’s council, JS Jung President of Minkwen Center,  Korean American Family Service Center with Hodori…

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