Urgent! 2010 Census is in Big Trouble.

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Currently 2010 Census is in big trouble.


1. Many people who doesn’t understand English are flustered in how they can receive help in their survey.

2. People who wants Korean questionnaire/ People who did not received the questionnaire does not know where or how to get in contact with those who can help.

3. There are many people wandering around the street holding their English questionnaires to find help answering their survey.


During the 2000 Census,

1.When US Census Bureau mail out the first questionnaire, they can select their prefer language and return it back. Then the household will receive the questionnaire in the language the person selected. 

2. 2010 Census questionnaires are only sent in English.

3. In the announcement postcard that US Census Bureau sends before, they announce to call the numbers listed in the right corner of the postcard for the preferred language questionnaire. However, this postcard is known to be very cheap publication that the fonts are too small that let many people to throws it away.

4. US Census Bureau acts as if the Census is “Beware it’s confidential” that they made all the local Census office private, and only the Census staff knows where the BC/QAC sites are. They replace the Census part-time staff  to these unknown locations to freely hang out all day.


They do not announce the locations of BC/QAC sites in the media, and on March 19th, they immediately sends the census staff that made many people to wander around the streets looking for help not knowing where to go. However, the Census Bureau said that they can check online for the location of BC/QAC.

However, the online system as well did not operate for 2 days in a row, and even so, it was updated with few BC/QAC sites.

The ridiculous problem occured was that US Census Bureau tell the seniors who stuggles greatly by their lack of English understanding to go online and check the location of BC/QAC sites. This was just preposterous. 


In the end, it’s just up to us to come out for the benefits of our community. 

Let’s all gather up our wisdom.

1. Every religious groups/organizations must actively assist those that need help in the questionnaires.

2. Every non-profit organizations should actively open up in their community and help those who calls or give them location where they can reach assistance. Currently KACTF is confirming the BC/QAC sites in each community. Until now, anyone can call the KACTF office (718-961-4117) or remember 1-866-955-2010 (Census Korean hot-line) and give the numbers to those who need help.

3. Currently in New York, KCS Corona, Flushing Senior Center/ Min Kwon Center/ Flushing community senior center/ Korean youth center/ Open Center(Daedongmanor)/ Shin han Bank America in Main Street/ YWCA/YMCA/ and Korean Census Task Force office (Korean American Voters’ Council) has a US Census staff placed in their office. Only that the KACTF office is open longer than the other sites. It is open until 10 AM to 4 PM.

4. Korean Census task force office (Fort lee Korean association)/ AWCA/ FGS and New Jersey Korean American Association is also placing US Census staffs in their office. 


Currently 2010 Census is in big trouble.   1. Many people who doesn’t understand English are flustered in how they can receive help in their survey. 2. People who wants Korean questionnaire/ People who did not received the questionnaire does not know where or how to get in contact with those who can help. 3.…

Currently 2010 Census is in big trouble.   1. Many people who doesn’t understand English are flustered in how they can receive help in their survey. 2. People who wants Korean questionnaire/ People who did not received the questionnaire does not know where or how to get in contact with those who can help. 3.…

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